Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Epic Fail: Walgreens Make-Up Remover Towelettes

I'm so very frustrated! Have you used Walgreen's makeup remover cloths? I surely hope not.

I go thru lots of makeup wipes and removers. But I think most of cosmetics addicts do haha. I'm always up for trying a new type/brand/model. Walgreen's had their own on sale for $3.99, instead of $5.99. I picked it early December. On the packaging it even says, "moisturizes and hydrates your skin." Umm, lies!

I used them to remove my makeup from my entire face for two days in a row. By the third day, I couldn't use them. The skin around my eyes and on my lids were so dry they actually BURNED! I didn't wear makeup for a week and assumed it was the weather and a bad a week. The following week, I tried them again. My skin started burning again, turned red and even was flaking. I was pissed!

It took weeks of heavy duty moisturising my skin to bring it back to normal.

RetroUrbanRainbow says... RUN FAR AWAY FROM THIS!!!!

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